‘Scientists Discover how Hypnosis actually Works’
This article is great because it analyses hypnosis from a neuroscience perspective. It discusses research done at The Stanford School of Medicine, which used brain imaging to see what changes are actually happening in the brain during hypnosis. In summary, they found changes in 3 areas of the brain during hypnosis: Decreased activity in the […]
Listening to Shame – Brené Brown
Brené Brown has been an inspiration for me and in moments of self-doubt or fear of judgement, I turn to her the Theodore Roosevelt quote, which she often refers to. It motivates me to forget the doubt and fear and just take action! THE MAN IN THE ARENA It’s not the critic who counts; not […]
What is Addiction? Dr Gabor Maté
There is a lot of fascinating material by Dr Gabor Maté online. This video gives a very short ‘taster’ of his work. Dr Gabor Maté was a family physician for over 20 years and also worked for 12 years with patients challenged by hard-core drug addiction. He is now a renowned author and speaker. He […]
Dr Bruce Lipton – Learn how to Control your Mind
I love Bruce Lipton’s work, because it provides the scientific proof to support many of the principles of RTT. Dr Lipton’s started his scientific career in the 70s, researching stem cells. In the 80s he began looking at how the principles of quantum physics could help explain the cell’s information processing systems. His research at […]
Lewis Howes – 3 Fears that are Killing your Dreams
Lewis Howes practices what he preaches. He grew up depressed, functionally illiterate, as a child he constantly believed he wasn’t good enough and can remember wishing he was dead. He became a US Olympic athlete and has already launched and sold a 7-figure business. He is now on a mission to help 100 million people […]